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Chapter Founders Team 2022

The chapter founders are a group of students from universities all across the United States who will take their experiences working together with a nonprofit in the fall and replicate the Biokind chapter at Rice to support the organizations in their local states. These states include Virginia, California, Rhode Island, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

This fall, the chapter founders team will be working with ALS Texas, a nonprofit organization that provides support to patients with ALS and their families. They will help the organization analyze their donor datasets.

On October 3rd, the team kickstarted their project by meeting with the ALS representative.

Below is a picture of the team taken during the meeting:

The first row pictured above is Sophie Reale, a junior at University of Virginia studying Applied Statistics, our president Alex Han, and Jill Brunner, the VP of Development at ALS Texas.

Then, the next row down is Phu Dang, a sophomore at UC San Diego studying Data Science, Samuel Latzman, a sophomore in Neuroscience at Brown University, and Samantha Cui, a Business and Data Science student in her third year at UC Davis.

At the bottom is Darya Dahi who is studying Neuroscience, Behavioral Biology, and Quantitative Science in her second year at Emory University.

Not pictured is Faith Murei, a sophomore at University of Wisconsin Madison studying Data Science and Economics.

We’re excited to see the results they present to ALS Texas in December!



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